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- : 3.0Ãú·¿
- ¾¦ÉÊ¥µ¥¤¥º
- : 28¡ß117¡ß12mm
- ¶ÍÈ¢¥µ¥¤¥º
- : 46¡ß129¡ß20mm
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Solid ink for Kanji characters from ¡ÈBokuundo¡É.High-grade pine smoke ink.Weights range from 0.65oz to 5oz.There are four types.
It is characterized by smooth brush strokes and good spreading.
Thick, strong black lines can be expressed.
It turns black quickly because of the amount of soot.The ratio of glue has been reduced to the utmost limit, allowing the dignified color of soot to be expressed in a straightforward manner.
The strength of ¡ÈDaigen¡É comes from the mixing of glues with different properties and the advanced melting technology used to smoothly fuse them together.
We are confident that we can help you express yourself in calligraphy, regardless of whether it is on Hanshi or Gasen paper.
¡ãcomponent¡ä¡¡High-grade pine smoke ink
¡ãInk color¡ä¡¡Thick black
¡ãstandard¡ä 1.5oz
¡ãProduct Size¡ä 28¡ß117¡ß12mm
¡ãPaulownia Box Size¡ä 46¡ß129¡ß20mm
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¡ã產ÉʼÜÀ£¡ä 28¡ß117¡ß12mm
¡ãË¢¶ÍÈ¢¼ÜÀ£¡ä 46¡ß129¡ß20mm